Date of Birth: 7/17/2012 • Black Tri Male • Full Dentition/Scissors Bite
OFA Hips Good (AS-31475G24M-VPI) • OFA Elbows Normal (AS-EL7242M24-VPI) • Eyes: Cleared 2023
HSF4: Clear • MDR1: Mutant/Normal • CEA: Clear • PRA: Clear
Owned by Adrianne Tullier • Co-Owned & Bred By Elizabeth Bird

There are many qualities that we absolutely love about Reef; his exceptional temperament and biddability, his clean and absolutely effortless movement, and his strong breed type. Reef finished quickly in ASCA at 12 months old, and finished AKC shortly after at 13 months old, taking a clean sweep of Winners Dog and Best of Winners at all four shows in Biloxi, MS. He also picked up a Best in Show Owner Handler the same weekend! Reef easily finished his Grand Championship with very limited showing, picking up a Group win and Group placements, while we shifted focus to herding and agility training. His natural instinct along with his willing attitude make him a gifted worker and he achieved herding titles in AKC and ASCA, and was only 2 qualifying legs away from his WTCH upon retirement. We cannot thank Elizabeth Bird of Dancer Aussies for allowing him to come to Texas!

Reef is a Hall of Fame sire in ASCA and a ROMX-II sire in USASA. He has produced multiple WTCH, RTCH, OTCH, ATCH, Group Winning, and Best in Show Winning offspring. The only dog to sire two USASA Top 20 Winners (Top 20 Judges Choice 2019, and Top 20 People’s Choice 2022). Many of his progeny have inherited his stock sense, biddability, drive, incredible temperament, and lovely movement.

Reef stands stud selectively to approved bitches.

HOF ASCA CH/AKC GCHP Harmony Hill's Money Talks DNA-CP UKC/ASCA CH Justamere Rockin' The Rockies AKC/ASCA CH Aladdins Rock Your World CH Heatherhill My Waterloo
CH Aladdins Shamelessly Hot
AKC CH Spring Fever Great Expectation HOF CH Caledonia's Crowd Pleaser
HOF CH Spring Fever's Whoopi Gal
HOF ASCA CH/AKC CH Harmony Hill's True Lies DNA-VP CH Harmony Hills Pay Per View HOF ASCA/AKC/CKC CH Paradox Propaganda ROM-C-II ROMX-II DNA-CP
Harmony Hills Breezin Bye
CH Trouble Brewin At Stormridge AKC CH Harmony Hill's Hunt Country
Chloes Impressive Review
HOF ASCA CH/AKC GCHB Dancer's Last Tango HT BISS AKC GCH/ASCA CH Surenuf Dancin To The Rhythm RN PT NA NAJ NAP NJP NF NFP HOF AKC/CKC/ASCA CH Blue Isle Dancin on Fayble Hill CH Sure To Be Famous of Tres Rios CD DNA-CP
CH Friends Blue Isle Country DNA-CP
Pine Lane's Heart and Soul Gefion's Othello
Pine Lane's Country Waltz
BIS CH Black Pearl Ballroom Dancer HT CH Marquis SurenufFor Rockin K CH Moonlight's Jay Of Rafter J CD
Rocking Ks Sure Bet Marquis
Quest Louisiana Black Pearl CH Eaglerun's Relentless N Free
Eaglerun Celebrate The Dream

Vicki Tullier, Adrianne & Kam Tullier
Magnolia, TX & Austin, TX
Cell • 281-541-0668


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